make money online

The problem with PaidVerts is that there is always the possibility of making more money (unless you're in the top group).
This causes most people to catch the "disease of more" and they end up investing all of the money they earn into BAP so they can get into higher groups.
The goal is to set a daily value that you're happy with, and start cashing out once you get to it.
I'm not at my daily goal of $50 per day yet (would allow me to take home ~$15 a day), but I should reach it in a month or so.
 is probably the best person to talk to because he cashed out over $200 by this point I think.
PaidVerts is definitely a long term money-making site though, so the question is whether your goal is to make money now or later.
Practically, you can cash out 1/3 of what you make, so you could be cashing out a whopping 5-30 cents a day depending on the size of the ad issue. (Lately they've been higher than normal and hopefully they'll stay this way. Right now the first BAP level ones are around $1 a day.)

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Invest $50
You don't really need to invest money, but it will take at least 1-2 months to notice some noticeable cash coming in.
Wait a bit, paidverts seems to have quite a few problems nowaday

Yes they do, they just have some captchas to fix and Bulk Ads purchasing are only open at select times of the day around twice a day (until they fix database issues).

Dont know why Jo focusing so much on other stuff. Just like to do my ads and get paid
He's trying hard, they just added 24 hours to the ad timers for now. And database issues (captcha problems and bulk ads disabled at most times) are pretty tricky to deal with.

its not as bad now. digadz is up now as well if you want to try that as well, but its probably less reliable
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Been using DigAdz with a bot since like a month or so ago. Cashed out $5 around then. Also Bulk Ads are enabled at all time now.

If you have any more questions just ask!

is there a paidverts guide anywhere that can read?

also, what kind of involvement is required to hit your goal of $50/day?
And the involvement is the same every day (20-35 minutes total, and you have to login in the morning and evening), but takes quite a while to get there without investings
My goal of $50 per day means that I will earn 50 bucks on PV, but I have to reinvest 2/3 of that so I can take home around $15.

BAP group 8 is the group that gets daily ads around that range (720k-1.5 mil BAP), so I decided to do a couple of calculations just for ya! <3
 The calculations are assuming the high ad issues that we've been having for the past week. The admin said they should stay on this level, but it's always possible they'll drop.
Here it is

It will take you 5 days to get to BAP group 1 and start getting real ads, (you will get 400 BAP each day) *
5 days
Once you're in group one, you will start getting 200 BAP each day from activation ads, but 100 of that gets taken off as BAP tax. You will be in group 1 though, so you will earn around $1 per day which means you will get 3,100 BAP every day, but the $1 you made took away 2000 of that, so every day you're only 1,100 in the green. You need to earn 10,400 BAP to get to group 2, which will take you about 10 days.
 10 days
Same thing for group 2, but now your earnings will be around $1.50 per day. You need 12k BAP to get to the next one, and you get around 1650 BAP per day, so it will take 8 days.
 8 daysclick here to join nowGroup 3 now! You need 24k to get to the next one, and you make around $2.10 per day= 2310 BAP. 11 days
Group 4! You need 48k for the next one.You make around $4.3 per day=4730.
 11 days
Group 5! Need 84k for next one. You make $8.2 per day=
10 days
Group 6 now. You need 180k for the next one! You make $13 per day=14,300 BAP.
 13 days
You need to go up one more group! 360k to go. You make $28.4 per day=31,240.
 12 days
So in an ideal scenario without any investment it will take you
 70 days to start earning that much, if the ad issues keep being as high as they are right now. If they get lower, it's possible that it will take you 100 or maybe even 140 days.
Or you could invest to whatever group you feel comfortable to be in, and then go up from there! It's all up to you!

The problem is you don't really get 1$ worth of ads everyday during the second step unless it's just me.

Yeah, the above is an
 ideal scenario while in reality it would probably take maybe 80-90 days if the ad issues stay high.
They've been much higher since New Years, and the issues that happened for 2 weeks before New Years were absolutely tiny. :(

I have one PM me, wait nevermind I think I just PMed you my guide earlier lol.

Thanks man! BTW you misspelled my name, it doesn't have an N but it's alright! Lol.

Oh man my apologies! Heh...

It's alright lol, was wondering why the username you linked said User not found. I'm like, I'm right here! lol.
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Ho does the BAP swap effect the profit potential ?

Many people dumped shares and left, and some didn't realize what happened and left.

Right now there are less people in each BAP group, and the ad issues are higher than usual, so everyone gets way more money.

The BAP swap also made it so PV has no more debt, and the higher ad issues will attract new users which will keep the issues at the level they're at.

The admins are also thinking about investing in more profitable businesses, so hopefully it increases it.

Anything can happen though. PV could go offline tomorrow and never come back... lol

Yes. I can make anywhere from $5-$100 a day as Group 6 (most from referral commission and around $5-$20 from ads). I've just cashed out another $92 a few days ago and already have $80 in my account right now. I also have 1000 shares that I can sell once the prices rises to around $0.07-$0.11 per share and get around $70-$110 that I can use towards climbing to another Group.

Also at this year's issued ads you can look at making back any investment in 1 month MAX and around 2 weeks minimum. Let's say you invest $50 (a pretty risky move, but I've invested $26 to start), you will end up in Group 5 [96k-180k BAP] with 155,000 BAP. According to most issued ads from this Group they make an average amount of around $10 a day. So this is my calculations:

$10 a day (this is an estimate)

$10×2/3 = ~$7 to be reinvested to stay the same Group ($6.66 rounded up)

$10 - $7 = $3 left in your account balance.

50/3= ~17 days to get back your investment.
[EDIT] Made the numbers rounded.
How did you find so many people to use your referral link?Do you need the referrals, or can I just invest $50 once, revinvest 6.66 every day and take out 3.33 every day, and make back my invest in 15 days... without referralsYeah you don't need referrals. This was based on having no referrals.I should edit my post. You can only invest a full dollar amount .[UPDATE] Edited my post aboveWhy do you consider investing $50 risky if your scenario shows that you will make it back in 17 days?
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Well because it's $50. Lots of people consider investing any amount as risky. It's just there as a caution, plus $10 a day isn't always guaranteed. That's just an estimate based on the ad issuings of the last few days.

I'm currently his referral for 2 days and I'm going to invest once the Pay Ads are back (10% from $50 for you btw)Anyone want to elaborate on the .05 cent recycled ads purchase (especially AFTER you buy the $10 ad filter to not receive 9999999 .0005 cent ads...) and the usefulness of the mini:mega upgrades at your BAP level?
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